11. Unless really, really late in life, I would never consider moving to Fort Lauderdale or any other golden age resort to spend eternity in boredom.
12-15. I could never be coerced into having triplets.
16. Would I ever rent a snuff-porn crossover movie? Not unless I felt like it.
17. During the ubiquitous appearances of Carl Gustavius XVI rex at official state functions across the globe, I wouldn't dream of posing as His fiancée.
18. I've forgotten this one.
19. I would never kill my darlings.
20. There is no way I would ever end a story with a damp squib.
And that concludes my list.
anders | 2004-06-20, 06:40:06
Well, that was certainly interesting. I think we got the damp squib at the end there.
| anders | 2004-06-18, 09:46:42
Well then, that's just great.
| marten | 2004-06-18, 08:32:26
We wouldn't dream of paying attention to it.
| anders | 2004-06-18, 08:29:50
Testing a menu feature involving forums, guys. Please ignore this posting.
| anders | 2004-06-18, 07:57:43
The triplet list entries refer, of course, to each of the triplets and the act of having them. That is why this thing I would not do covers four list items.
| andreas | 2004-06-11, 13:16:27
Förstapersonen som delger oss berättelsen verkar ha en släng av multipel personlighet, eller så känner han bara av marionettsträngarna ifrån de alltför exalterade kockarna.
| marten | 2004-06-11, 08:46:09
Ju fler kockar som vill förstöra för de andra kockarna, desto sämre soppa, som uttrycket ju så träffsäkert inte beskriver situationen.
| anders | 2004-06-10, 17:21:02
Det... öh... gör nog inget, tror jag.
| andreas | 2004-06-10, 15:37:32
Jag fattar inte den här berättelsen. Alls.
| anders | 2004-06-03, 04:58:01
Hm. I obviously need to fix the root cause here... for now though, thy will be done!
| andy | 2004-06-03, 04:14:33
Chief, I'm stuck in an "Old text changed!" rut (Fiona-style). Could you please help me submit the following entry: "a pain in the (_!_)"?
| andy | 2004-06-03, 04:12:04
Chief, I'm stuck in a "Old text changed!" rut (Fiona-style). Could you please help me submit the following entry: "a pain in the (_!_)"?
| anders | 2004-06-02, 14:58:37
Är det meningen att senaste inlägget slutar med ett par returer/nya rader?
| andy | 2004-05-28, 17:23:38
Take it away, Lads!