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A droning tour guide tried to convince a group that what some old nitwit once dug out here was far more interesting than it was. In fact, no one paid attention. Instead they all stared at the enormous man who tried in vain to clean the underbelly of a stuffed whale that was hanging from the ceiling. The man was sweating profusely while trying to maintain balance on the precariously situated ladder he had situated right below the whale. With a sense of dread of what might happen, the audience stood in awe, watching the obese janitor fighting the gigant beast, or at least trying

carlquist | 2004-11-22, 20:18:16
Fixat. Jag hade missat ditt what
andreas | 2004-11-22, 03:26:30
Jag får inte riktigt ihop meningen med ditt sista inlägg. Skulle du kunna förklara, eller möjligen ändra?
carlquist | 2004-11-11, 00:54:07
Tänkte att jag skulle få träna min engelska lite i detta drama med undertiteln the tragical missery tour.
Administrator: Anders Bylund